ITA-STQB presents the seventh edition of

Italian Software Testing Forum

June 19-21, 2017 - Milan, Italy

Three days dedicated to the state of the art, the technologies, the solutions and the experiences to achieve the best quality of software intensive products and services through new organizational, methodological and technological approaches

The Italian Software Testing Forum (STF) 2017 is the only event completely dedicated to testing and requirements engineering in Italy, having a great success with hundreds of participants and speakers coming from all over the world. It offered the opportunity to meet with CIOs, Software Vendors, Service Providers and Users in a Conference always rich in content related to the Software Quality.

The days of June 19 e 20 were dedicated to Tutorials that hosted leading international experts who shared ideas and experiences, giving a broad view on advancement in software and services quality.

The day of June 21 was dedicated to the Conference.

STF 2017 is organized by

ITA-STQBSTF 2017 is an event of ISTQB® Conference Network


STF 2017

took place at

NH Milano

Congress Center

Strada 1, Milanofiori 20090 Assago (MI) 

Milan - Italy 

NH Milano Congress Center


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On June 21, the free access conference was held, based on a plenary conference in the morning and three parallel tracks in the afternoon, where quality of software-intensive products and services have been discussed, with a focus on requirements engineering and testing.


The conference photos are available here

The conference program is available here


During the day the participants had the opportunity to visit the exhibition area of ​​the sponsors and partners, a valuable showcase of innovations in terms of products and solutions: a unique opportunity to meet key players in the software quality area!

ita-stqb 10years

ITA-STQB is 10 years old!
